- Make sure you write your budget down. You can use our EveryDollar budgeting tool, an Excel document, or a good ole pen and pad of paper.
- Stay away from places that tempt you to spend. If you’re overspending, buckle down and get serious. It’s a sign of maturity when you delay pleasure today to build a better tomorrow.
- Use Dave’s envelope system to help you spend cash that your budget allows. Take some envelopes, write the budget categories on the envelopes (like groceries, gas, entertainment), and use only the allotted money to buy specific things. When an envelope is empty, that’s it! Don’t buy anything else in that budget category.
- Stay motivated and don’t give up! A budget empowers you to change your money situation. Forget the past, and don’t let fear steal your hope. Break your plan down into smaller goals and follow it one step at a time.