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Ramsey Help Center
Money Questions
Money Questions
What is the Debt Snowball?
Should I use a Debit Card or Credit Card?
Upside down on your car loan?
Why should I pay off my smallest debt first?
Does debt consolidation work?
How do I handle my creditors?
See all 8 articles
What is a Zero-Based Budget?
Tips for making your Budget work for you!
Why invest 15% of your income into your retirement?
Wait to start investing until you have paid off all debt but your mortgage.
Emergency Fund: Why You Need One and How Much to Save
Relationships and Money
Should my spouse and I have separate checking accounts?
How can I get my spouse to create a budget with me?
Should I tell my spouse what Dave Ramsey says about every single thing?
Why Term Life insurance instead of Whole Life insurance?
How much Term Life insurance should I have?